Beige & Black | Autumn Chic
Dragii mei, v-am pregatit un look potrivit pentru zilele acestea frumoase de toamna! Combinatia de negru cu beige este una clasica si cu care nu vei putea da niciodata gres. Haina scurta cu maneci largi si sapca din lana completeaza tinuta all-black si o transforma dintr-un outfit banal intr-unul chic si deosebit. Mai mult, pantalonii evazati – noua mea “obsesie” sunt foarte versatili si imi alungesc silueta. Voua cum vi se pare aceasta tinuta?
My loves, I’ve prepared a new look for you, just in time for these beautiful Autumn days! Black and beige is a timeless combination, which you can never go wrong with. The coat and the cap complement the black clothes and transform a boring outfit into a chic and very unique one! Even more, flared jeans are my new fashion “obsession” – they are extremely versatile and elongate my silhouette. What are your thoughts on this autumn outfit?
- Beige coat, black jeans and turtleneck from Zara
- Burberry cap
- Musette boots
- D&G sunglasses