Year In Review: 2018


2018 a fost un an cu impliniri pe toate planurile. Nu doar am calatorit in locuri de vis, dar mi-am facut prieteni din toata lumea si am acumulat noi experiente. Am reusit sa tin pasul cu liceul cat timp am realizat multe alte lucruri: am fost la evenimente, la sala, m-am implicat in diverse proiecte si campanii si am participat la MUN-uri (simulari ale conferintelor ONU). In 2018 am avut parte de suisuri si coborasuri; desi am facut cateva greseli, acestea fac parte din viata. Am invatat lectii valoroase din greseli si pentru asta sunt recunoscatoare.

Am decis sa impart acest articol in doua parti: calatorii & experiente si realizari.


2018 has been an incredibly fulfilling year in many ways. Not only have I traveled to dreamy places, but I also made friends from all over the world and gained new experiences. I managed to keep my grades up in school while accomplishing lots of other things: attending events, going to the gym, being involved in campaigns, projects and participating in MUNs. 2018 has had its ups and downs and, even though I’ve made mistakes, they are part of the process. I’ve learned valuable lessons and for that I am thankful.

All of the articles that I’ve linked below are written in both English and Romanian.


Am calatorit in insule exotice, dar si in orase europene anul acesta. Am ramas cu amintiri de neuitat din aceste locuri, dar am trecut si prin multe peripetii.

I’ve traveled to exotic islands and European cities this year. I now have unforgettable memories from these places, but there were some unfortunate moments too.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka a fost prima destinatie din 2018, unde am plecat imediat dupa revelion. A fost printre cele mai aventuroase vacante de pana acum (inca de cand am aterizat, pentru ca bagajele noastre au fost trimise in alta tara)!

Sri Lanka was the first destination of 2018 and one of the most adventurous of my life from the moment we landed, as our luggages were sent to another country!

Sri Lanka

Ski Trip – Pamporovo

Prima oara cand am schiat in Bulgaria a fost in tabara din februarie, alaturi de colegi din liceu. Si ne-am super distrat de dimineata pana seara!


Primavara, am plecat intr-un city break in sudul Spaniei, unde am vizitat mai multe orase istorice.

During spring break, we went on a city break in southern Spain, where we visited a few historical cities and sites.


Mauritius este insula cu cele mai exotice si inedite peisaje pe care le-am vazut! Am stat 2 saptamani pe peninsula dominata de muntele Le Morne, inclus in patrimoniul mondial UNESCO.

Mauritius has the most exotic and unique views I have ever seen! We stayed 2 weeks on the Le Morne Peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Mauritius – Our stay at Dinarobin Beachcomber


De la scoala de vara Millfield am cele mai frumoase amintiri de anul acesta! Privesc mai mereu in urma cu nostalgie la zilele de vara petrecute acolo.

The most beautiful memories I have this year are from Millfield. I often look back with nostalgia at the summer days spent there.

My experience at Millfield – MELHC


Dupa Millfield, am ramas la Londra o saptamana cu parintii mei. Am mai fost la Londra acum 8-9 ani, dar acum a fost o ocazie sa o vad cu alti ochi.

After Millfield, I met my parents in London and visited the city for a week.



Model NATO

Model NATO a fost prima conferinta de tip MUN la care am participat si am invatat multe din aceasta experienta.

Model NATO was my first MUN and it was a great experience. Read more about it here:

My Bucharest Model NATO Experience


BISMUN este cel mai important MUN din Romania, la care participa studenti de facultate si liceu. Faptul ca nu numai am participat, ci am si castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun delegat din comitetul ECOSOC este o realizare de care sunt foarte mandra.

BISMUN is the most important MUN in Romania. Being one of the youngest participants AND winning best delegate in my committee is one of my proudest accomplishments so far.


Mai multe despre #Girl2Leader:

#Girl2Leader Campaign 2018

Let’s Do It Romania

Am participat pentru a doua oara ca voluntar la miscarea de curatenie nationala din luna septembrie.

I volunteered for the second time to “Clean up Romania” back in september, as part of the annual World Clean Up Day.

“Teens Talk” – Girl UP

“Teens Talk” este un proiect Girl Up Romania x Interact Cismigiu. Am contribuit la realizarea acestuia si am vorbit despre “body image” intr-unul dintre cele 4 episoade.

Youtube Channel

Anul acesta am inceput un canal de youtube! Voi posta vloguri, din calatorii, workout-uri, retete, beauty tips si orice ma pasioneaza. Subscribe aici, daca vrei sa fii la curent:

Sunt nerabdatoare sa intru in noul an. Nu am rezolutii pentru 2019. Singurul lucru pe care mi-l doresc zilnic este sa fiu o persoana mai buna si sa ma depasesc pe mine insami. Voi ce rezolutii aveti pentru noul an?

I can’t wait to enter this new year. I don’t have any resolutions for 2019. The only thing that I wish for every day is to become a better person, to improve and to cross my own limits. What are your resolutions?


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