ENGLISH: I’m back from Bali!!
It was such an amazing holiday where I learned and experienced so many great things, I just want to go back and never return! Our hotel had the absolutely most beautiful tropical garden I ever saw in my entire life, so obviously I fell in love with it. And what better way to blend in than with a flower henna tattoo, a long, flowy, blue dress and one of my favourite necklaces. I found a place which was in the shadow of the palm trees, away from the burning mid-day sun where the filtered light created a perfect spot for taking photos…And if you haven’t already guessed, I am the kind of person that rarely turns down photoshoots
The dress really suited me and right now it is my go-to summer look for any special event.
•Whole outfit from H&M
Stay tuned: I will post a lot from my trip to Bali, so make sure you don’t miss any part of the journey!
ROMANIAN: M-am intors din Bali!!

A fost o vacanta splendida, in care am invatat si am experimentat multe lucruri grozave si parca imi doresc sa ma duc inapoi si sa nu ma mai intorc acasa! Hotelul la care am fost cazati este inconjurat de cea mai mare si frumoasa gradina tropicala prin care m-am plimbat vreodata, asadar, evident ca m-am indragostit de imprejurimi! Si ce outfit s-ar fi potrivit mai bine cu “vibe”-ul tropical decat o rochie albastra, lunga si racoroasa, tatuajul henna de pe mana mea si unul dintre colierele mele preferate. Am descoperit un loc ferit de soarele puternic, umbrit de frunzele palmierilor printre care putea patrunde lumina filtrata. Si evident, daca nu ati ghicit deja, nu puteam rata o asemenea ocazie si am facut cateva poze
•Outfit de la H&M
Fiti pe faza: Voi posta mult despre calatoria mea in Bali asadar, pentru a nu rata nicio postare, urmariti-ma pe