ENGLISH: If you are close to me, you straight up know that I am OBSESSED with sunsets and sunrises. One time I was during french class and it was around 7pm. I was bored and looked out on the window and there was this magical sunset outside. I was like “hold on, I am not leaving without a picture of this” and I got up in the middle of the class and my friends and I photographed the sky.

So I bet you can tell how crazy I was about going to see the sunset on the Jimbaran beach. And beacuse I loved the photos so much, I will share them with you here! Enjoy! What do you like best: the sunrise or the sunset? Leave a comment down below!

PS: Check out my sunrise photos I took last year on the beach right here!

ROMANA: Cei ce ma cunosc destul de bine, stiu din prima ca sunt INNEBUNITA dupa apusul si rasaritul soarelui. Odata eram in timpul orei de franceza(seara pe la 7) si ma plictiseam, asa ca am inceput sa ma uit in gol. Si cand am privit spre geam cerul era parca pictat si totul parea magic. Si eram ceva de genul: “Stop! Eu nu plec de aici fara sa forografiez cerul!”. Si asta am si facut, m-am ridicat impreuna cu o colega si am stat la geam pana am facut poza perfecta.

Deci deja cred ca v-ati prins cat de entuziasmata am fost despre apusul din Jimbaran, iar pentru ca iubesc pozele facute pe plaja, le voi impartasi cu voi in aceasta postare! Enjoy! Voua ce va place mai mult: apusul sau rasaritul? Raspundeti mai jos, in comentarii!
























PS: Am pus si o postare cu poze facute la rasarit, pe plaja! Dati click aici!

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