First, I can’t think of a better way to tell you about the trip than by breaking it down in stages, so here we go!

So it was 8:30 a.m. and we were in the hotel lobby( by “we” I mean my mum, I, and some russian friends we made there). My dad returned from the beach with news: The men in charge of the boat are not there🙄. Sooo we headed to the beach to find a legal boat which we could board and head to Lembongan. As we were walking down the beach we finally saw the boat, jumped in, put on our life vests and set off to the island.

When we were around 2km away from Bali, the crew took out fishing rods and so we caught fish. I was the most fortunate and caught 4 tunas:)
“Ok, we thought, we have 7 tunas so now it should be the time to head to Lembongan” , but oh how wrong we were. The crew didn’t want to take us to Lembongan! So it was time for my dad to step in and with a map of the island he guided us to an amazing beach.

The island was a mesmerising sight. Personally, I have never seen so much turquoise around me! However the waves were strong near the shore and we had a hard time getting on land, as we didn’t want to drop our cameras and bacpacks.
We grilled the fish that we caught and had a great fish&fruit meal at a restaurant on the beach.

SURPRISE! I thought that the best way to show you everything was to film small videos from our trip to Lembongan and post them on facebook.(BIA by Bianca Dragan) Do you like the idea? Leave a comment down below!✨


Mai intai, trebuie sa va spun ca nu ma pot gandi la o alta alternativa de a va povesti despre “excursia” mea spre Lembongan decat prin a o imparti in episoade. Asa ca, sa incepem!

8:30 dimineata…Eram in receptie cu prietenii nostri ruși pe care i-am cunoscut in Bali, in timp ce tata se intorsese de la plaja, spunandu-ne ca echipajul si barca nu sunt acolo🙄. Deeeci ne-am dus pe plaja sa vedem ce se intampla, in speranta ca vom gasi alta barca care sa ne duca pe insula Lembongan. Din fericire, mergand pe plaja, am vazut barca (ancorata ceva mai departe), ne-am imbarcat si am pornit spre insula!

Ajunsi in larg, echipajul ne-a inmanat undite si am inceput sa pescuim. Am prins 7 pesti(ton) dintre care eu 4:)
“Ok, ne-am gandit, am prins ton acum ar trebui sa ne indreptam spre Lembongan” dar nu a fost asa. Echipajul nu voia sa ne duca pe insula, ci doar aproape de malul ei, asa ca tata a trebuit sa se impuna si sa-i dirjeze spre o plaja superba.

Hands down: cel. mai. frumos. loc de pe planeta! Nu am mai vazut atat de mult turcoaz in jurul meu vreodata! Dar, la mal valurile erau destul de puternice, si am avut ceva dificultati sa ajungem pe uscat, fiind foarte precauti sa nu scapam telefoanele cu care faceam poze incontinuu…Atunci intelesesem de ce echipajul nu voia sa ne duca la mal… Am simtit adrenalina la maxim!!

Pe insula, am debarcat la un restaurant-bar chiar pe plaja, unde cativa ne-au pregatit tonul cu sosuri balineze traditionale. A fost o masa extraordinara!!

SURPRIZA! M-am gandit ca cel mai frumos mod in care va pot arata tot din excursia pe insula Lembongan va fi sa postez video-uri pe facebook din excursie! Va place ideea? Dati click pe videoclip-uri, like si SHARE!

Ce videoclip-uri vreti sa mai vedeti din seria #BiaGoesToBali? Spuneti-mi mai jos in comentarii!✨









Pe curand!

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