15 Places you must see in Bucharest!
Since this summer I’ve been away from home all July and half of August, I decided to be a tourist in my own city and revisit my favourite spots (and discover places I had never been to before). So I toured around Bucharest with my dad(who deserves a lot of credit for his photography skills) and put together this list of places you have to check off if you decide to visit!
Fiindca vara aceasta am fost departe de casa toata luna Iulie si jumatate din August, m-am decis sa devin un turits in propriul oras pentru a revedea locurile mele preferate (si sa descopar locuri noi). Asa ca am luat-o la pas prin Bucuresti alaturi de tata (care s-a dovedit din nou a fi un fotograf genial) si am intocmit aceasta lista cu locuri pe care trebuie sa le bifezi cand vizitezi orasul!
CEC Palace – Palatul CEC
The imposing CEC Palace, situated on Calea Victoriei in central Bucharest is what I consider to be a timeless architectural masterpiece. Built in 1900 under the supervision of Ion Socolescu, the palace was designed in an eclectic style by French architect Paul Gottereau, who brought specific elements from the late 19th century French architecture. The palace now serves as CEC Bank’s headquarters and it is also open for the public.
Consider ca Palatul CEC, situat in centrul Bucurestiului, pe Calea Victoriei, este o cladire impunatoare, fiind o capodobera arhitecturala. Construit in 1900 sub supravegherea inginerului Ion Socolescu, a fost realizat in stil eclectic de catre arhictectul francez Paul Gottereau, care a adus elemente specifice din arhitectura franceza de la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea.
Victoriei Passage – Pasajul Victoriei
This narrow passageway is by no means a tourist attraction, however if you want to take that Instagram worthy shot – this is the right place for you. The light is filtered by the rows of colourful umbrellas, which create a pretty artsy backdrop for a picture.
Acest pasaj ingust nu este nici pe departe o atractie turistica, insa, daca vrei sa faci poza perfecta pentru Instagram – aici este locul pentru tine. Lumina este filtrata de umbrelele multicolore, care creaza un fundal artistic pentru o poza.
Carturesti Bookstore – Carturesti Carusel
Located in the heart of the Old City, “The Carousel of Light” truly is a bookworm’s dream: you can browse a great selection of books, CDs, albums, teaware, movies & more, read in one of the comfy reading corners and enjoy a tea or a coffee at the bistro on the 6th floor. The elegant and luminous style of the 19th century monument’s interior will give you the feeling of being in an enchanted place that belongs in a fairy-tale.
Situat in inima Centrului Vechi, Carturesti Carusel este cu adevarat visul unui pasionat de carti: te poti delecta cu o selectie de carti, CD-uri, albume, seturi de ceai, filme si multe altele, te poti retrage sa citesti intr-un coltisor confortabil si sa savurezi un ceai sau o cafea la bistroul de la al saselea etaj. Stilul elegant si luminos al interiorului monumentului din secolul al XIX-lea iti va da impresia ca te afli intr-un loc fermecat care apartine unui basm.
Arch of Triumph – Arcul de Triumf
Arcul de Triumf is a triumphal arch located in the northern part of Bucharest, on the Kiseleff Road. Initially, a wooden arch was built to celebrate Romania’s Independence in 1878, which was followed by a proper concrete structure after WW1. The arch’s façade did not stand the test of time, being replaced with a final version of the exterior and was inaugurated on 1 December 1936.
Stavropoleos Church – Biserica Stavropoleos
Bucharest has many hidden gems, this monastery being one of them. The orthodox church and monastery were built in 1724, but today only the church is still standing, as the monastery was demolished in the 19th century. Stavropoleos Church was designed in Brancovenesc style, also known as Romanian Renaissance.
Bucurestiul ascunde multe locuri-bijuteri, aceasta manastire fiind unul dintre ele. Biserica si manastirea ortodoxe au fost construite in 1724, dar in ziua de azi doar biserica mai exista, deoarece manastirea a fost demolata in sec XIX. Biserica Stavropoleos a fost realizata in stil Brancovenesc.
Capitol Summer Theatre – Teatrul de vara Capitol
Yet another urban-cool picture backdrop is the entrance of what used to be a summer outdoor cinema. The graffiti-covered gigantic door hides an abandoned garden site and it’s such a pity that this place isn’t open to the public anymore, as I believe it could be a great success.
Inca un fundal cool si urban pentru poze este fatada a cee ace obisnuia sa fie un cinema de vara in aer liber. Usa gigantica acoperita cu graffiti ascunde o gradina abandonata si este asa de pacat ca locul nu mai este deschis publicului, caci ar putea avea un success foarte mare.
Macca Villacrosse Passage – Pasajul Macca Villacrosse
Macca-Villacrosse is clearly not a list-topper, but I consider it worth a quick walk-through if you are wandering around the Old Town. An overpowering shisha smell floats in the air, as it falls into the “middle-eastern influenced” side of Bucharest. It hosts several indoor/outdoor eating establishments, including an Egyptian-themed bar/restaurant, the Blues Cafe, a bistro, a Chinese restaurant and a wine bar.
The Romanian Athenaeum – Ateneul Roman
The Romanian Athenaeum is a concert hall in the center of Bucharest, Romania and a landmark of the Romanian capital city. Opened in 1888, the ornate, domed, circular building is the city’s main concert hall and home of the “George Enescu” Philharmonic and of the George Enescu annual international music festival. In front of the building there is a small park and a statue of Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu.
Arthur Verona
Yep! You guessed it – an Instagram-worthy spot again! Arthur Verona is a street designated to urban art & graffiti and the walls are re-painted once every few years. So get your phones & cameras ready to take some creative shots if you get here!
Revolution Square – Piata Revolutiei
Revolution Square is a square in central Bucharest, on Calea Victoriei, which is a must-see during your stay. Known as Palace Square until 1989, it was later renamed after the 1989 Romanian Revolution. The former Royal Palace (now the National Museum of Art), the Athenaeum, the Athénée Palace Hotel, the University of Bucharest Library, an equestrian statue of King Carol I and the Memorial of Rebirth are located here.
Casa Capsa & Hotel Capitol
On Calea Victoriei, these two historic buildings stand face to face and offer a display of beautiful architecture.
Situate de asemenea pe Calea Victoriei, aceste doua cladiri istorice sunt pozitionate fata in fata si dispun de o arhitectura de admirat.
Herastrau Park – Parcul Herastrau
Personally, Herastrau and Kiseleff are my two favourite parks in Bucharest. As they are connected through Aviatorilor Boulevard, you can take the underground to Victoriei Square and enjoy a relaxing stroll or a bicycle ride from Kiseleff, down the boulevard and all the way to Herastrau. The park surrounds a lake and there is a variety of select bars, outdoor and indoor restaurants that are known for the beautiful lake-side views and delicious food.
Palace of Parliament -Palatul Parlamentului
Prepare to be dazzled by the colossal Palace of Parliament- the second largest(and most expensive) administrative building in the world. The construction of the Palace was ordered by communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, the immense building being completed in 1997.
Calea Victoriei
Calea Victoriei or Victory Avenue is one of the most important avenues in Bucharest. While walking down the street you will be able to see the city’s major buildings and monuments, therefore I would describe it as an outdoor museum that showcases the beauty of classic Bucharest through its architecture. Together with Victory Square, it’s the most buzzing part of the city, as some of the best restaurants, cafes, rooftop bars and shops are scattered all around this main avenue.
Plimbandu-te pe Calea Victoriei vei vedea cladirile si monumentele emblematice orasului, asadar as descrie Victoriei ca pe un muzeu in aer liber care pune in lumina frumusetea Bucurestiului clasic prin arhitectura sa. Impreuna cu Piata Victoriei formeaza cea mai populara zona a orasului, gasindu-se restaurante, cafenele, rooftop-uri si magazine la tot pasul.
Odeon Theatre – Teatrul Odeon
The Odeon Theatre is a theatre located on Calea Victoriei, and is one of the best-known performing arts venues in Bucharest.(also, the building is gorgeous and so precious)